A place to visit an often bored mind.

Monday, September 26, 2005

My inner nerd. I was a nerdy kid in school. Really I was. Younger, I loved science and loved to try experiments. I grew out of that and the need to fly and see if I could actually build a space ship that would defy physics and launch me and a crew several lightyears away.

Yeah, so anywho, then my thing was history and social studies. That's right. I love history, anthropology, political sciences...I'm a nerd. I knew this, after all who else gets as excited over researching a book as they do about writing it? Well, probably several others.

THE point, is that I've learned how to create decent looking websites. Really...okay, I think so. I was messing around trying to create one for a friend of mine. Little MS Publisher, some feathering and smudging, layering in photoshop, then import (read copy and paste) into Frontpage and viola... Website.

Maybe I'll stop writing and start creating websites for authors and charge outrageous sums or something. Then again, maybe I'll just write about a heroine who creates websites for authors and is stalked by a serial killer! That's more my style, don'tchya think? Bwwwaahahahahahahahahahahahaaha.

One day I will fascinate some poor psychiatrist.

Laugh just for the hell of it--I promise, people will stop, stare and ponder.....


Monday, September 19, 2005

Have You Ever noticed...

...how sick everyone is that visits doctor's offices? Well, seems a given doesn't it? Am I the only person who doesn't want to touch anything while I'm in there? I mean people with the barfies have flipped through those mags, ya know? I go totally germaphobe OCD when I get into doctor's offices. Oh well, and what, you may ask brought this bout of dr. office fear to the fore--well, I had to take my youngest in today. Bless his heart. He was really sick and had a fever. So two hours later we see the doc and get some meds. Hopefully,they'll work.

It's Monday, no sleep last night, but that's okay, kiddo is tired too.

OH, and my mom and aunts are taking a ya-ya trip to Europe. They're leaving today and are so excited it's like watching a group of teenage girls get ready for prom. :)

If I thought hard and long enough, I migh actually come up with something important to say, but lack of sleep and NO CAFFIENE (don't ask) have left me sluggish.

Today's song: Citadel.Yeah, that's my song for the day.


Thursday, September 15, 2005

Today is today...

...very deep thought, yes? Well anyway, I've realized a few things.

1) There comes a point when anti-acids don't work.
2) PMS is a pain for everyone.
3) Men are idiots and will never get it.

That sums up my philosophy for the day. Have a wonderful Thursday.


Monday, September 12, 2005

It's Monday

Amazing, I know. I've managed to post within DAYS of each other. No, the sky isn't falling. Does it feel that way? I know, I know, some days it just feels that way.

Well today is holding promise. Started off great, can't complain. Kids didn't want to go to school, but then it is Monday. We have soccer tonight. And WHY did I sign my kids up for this? sigh. Oh well, they needed to work on athletic coordination anyway and I really needed to learn that there is life outside my office and computer, right? Right?

BTW, I hate headaches, I just thought I'd let you know that. And for those who are interested, I have decided that scissors and me do not mix. Several years ago I nipped a chunk of skin out of my thumb making a 'bear' book--don't ask. So my left thumb print is forever changed. :) Now? Well, last night I decided my kids looked a bit grundgy so I sit 'em out on the porch to give them hair cuts. And since my brain was elsewhere, I decided I also needed to take a chunk out of my palm. Thankfully, I stopped before it cut completely through and left a gaping hole. Now I'll just have a pretty little inverted 'v' in my palm. Oh well, I always wanted to confuse a palm reader anyway.

Wrote a sucknopsis for my current WIP (Cold Range)--another contemporary suspense. Edited the paranormal and sent it to my editor and opened up several old documents to see what other short I might also want to try my hand at. Oh and brainstormed with my friend Erin.

That sums it up for me. I hope everyone is having a wonderful Monday and if not, tell the world about it. Really, it's Monday after all, we expect crap to happen. Or smile at everyone. I promise, it'll confuse them. :)

Until the next pointless ramble in this neurotic writer's world....


Friday, September 09, 2005


Today is Friday, thank God! I'm really ready for the week to be over. I feel like I haven't been home all week. Yesterday was one child's birthday. Lots of fun after the soccer practice. But anyway, we celebrated and had a lot of fun. Daddy had even more fun when we opened the box of Extreme Marble mania---what is this? Think gadget with wheels and chutes that work when marbles are dropped and spin and roll down said chutes. It's about 400 pieces. LOL. Who said women weren't devious? My husband KNOWS I am.

And speaking of husbands, I was SO proud of him today. First off we were having lunch. Afterwards, he was inside paying and I was buckling child number two in the carseat. Well, this truck goes by and guys whistle. I look around? No one else and the dude waves. I smiled. It's nice to be whistled at. ;) So hubby comes out and I tell him. Like a normal guy, he scans the street and then proceeds to tell him about how the guy could have been some wacko. What if he got the license plate number? Had I noticed if the pickup followed me before? I just looked at him, laughed, then hugged him. I've taught him SOOOOO well. See a villian EVERYWHERE!!! Bwwwaaaaahahahahahahahahahaaaaa......

And what is my pet peeve of hte day? Obsessive compulsive, anal retentive cashiers. I'm in a hurry. Granted, I realize it's not their fault I'm in said hurry. Normally, I could careless cause let's face it--I'm a bit neurotic and high strung. Yeah, so anyway. I'm waiting in line and the lady in front of me wants a price check, then she wanted to put something else back, then she wrote the 'wrong' check. I smiled and didn't even sigh. Finally it's my turn. So I set stuff on the belt and wait. Now, I tend to be a bit OCD myself. I like all the dry goods sorta piled together, meats, frozen stuff...ect... you get the idea. But apparently that wasn't good enough. Kid you not, she rearranged the way stuff was 'stacked' on the belt, then slowly scanned each piece. Then, then she sorts it just so in the no-support normal plastic sacks, making certain the cans are all set properly, the boxes all lined from tallest to shortest. I'm thinking, I'm in a freaking hurry, just throw the s*it in already. BUT I didn't. I just smiled and told her to have a nice day then liked to have mowed down an elderly lady who was coming in as I was going out. *sigh* Yeah, I can be a witch.

So this week, we've had three birthday parties between everyone in the family, soccer, and I've driven.... roughly 420 miles this week and that's staying in town after I drop the kids off--and driving to the mall. I love living in BFE when the gas prices are what they are.
I think that's all of the pointless rambles I can give. I did finish a paranormal last week. Started back on a contemporary suspense this week. I'm trying to come up with some sort of Christmas short story idea. Anyone have thoughts? Email me. lol. Nyx, the bitch, is either striking her muse job, or drinking margaritas down in Mexico.
Have a great and safe weekend everyone!

Friday, September 02, 2005

New Do's

Yeah, so I already said how I suck at keeping up with this blog thing, right? Just to reiterate, the obvious, I'll say it again....I suck at keeping up with this.

So what's new in my life? Well, let's see...A lot, but of interest to you? I have no idea. Kids started school, that was interesting, but glitches seem to be worked out now. I finally finished my paranormal novella that should have been finished like a month ago. *yeah, something new*. I'm still waiting on edits for my Cerridwen release. Bouncing around with new ideas.

But I have a new 'do'. For those that met me, or have seen pictures, I have, or rather had really long hair. Not just long, but LONG. Down-to-my-rear long, strangle-myself long. However, there is a downside to having really long hair, in case anyone was curious. That's right. You get headaches all the time. If I ever wore my hair up in any way, shape or form, I got a killer headache. Well, those I learned to live with. But the hair loss was another issue. I can do short and thick. Long and bald? No thank you. So I bought mags and looked at the 'new' do's. I'm sorry, but there are just some ugly women out there that make matters worse by getting some sort of funked hair cut that's totally lopsided and they think it's cool. I'll just let them live in their own delusions. Why burst their bubble, ya know? But I realized I'm more a classic than a feminist hair style type of person, or rather a follower of the 'grunge/short/electrical socket' sect. I know, I'm horribly antiquated.

So the stylist who has trimmed by long locks before figured it was the same or I'd cut some off. No sirree. I chopped it off to my shoulders in a sort of layered bob. (I felt you all really needed to know, just for information sake.) Easy, simple, no real hassle. And the long strangs got donated to Locks of Love. I figure some little girl is really happy she can have a wig in her color of hair, or close to it. Why waste it, ya know?

Yeah, so I pick up my four-year-old from PreK. He noticed about half an hour later and said, "Wow, Momma. You cut yewr hair!" In a completely affronted male voice. I asked if he liked it. He looked at me for a minute and said, "I guess so. But don't worry, Momma, it'll grow long again and then you'll be beautifuler again." What can you do but laugh? My six-year-old? I don't know that he ever noticed, but then he's still traumatized over the fact he MUST go to school when he's board out of his mind. He was concerned that if I cut all my hair off he wouldn't 'know' me when I picked him up from school. Husband on the other hand just kept looking, shaking his head and sighing. I said, "Don't worry. I'm told it'll grow long again and then I'll be beautifuler again." He did say it was sexy, but he misses my long hair for reasons I won't share. ;)

Men! I think it's a gene on their XY chromosomal make-up. Doesn't matter if their four or thirty. What is it with males and long hair? Really? Does it go back to ancient times that hair is somehow 'theirs'? *shaking head* whatever. lol.

So now I'm headache free and trying to figure out how the hell to use this brush thing without killing myself or tangling it and ripping what is left of my hair out. The things we do to look good.

Which reminds me. I'm back to using the hoola hoop from hell. :)
