A place to visit an often bored mind.

Monday, September 12, 2005

It's Monday

Amazing, I know. I've managed to post within DAYS of each other. No, the sky isn't falling. Does it feel that way? I know, I know, some days it just feels that way.

Well today is holding promise. Started off great, can't complain. Kids didn't want to go to school, but then it is Monday. We have soccer tonight. And WHY did I sign my kids up for this? sigh. Oh well, they needed to work on athletic coordination anyway and I really needed to learn that there is life outside my office and computer, right? Right?

BTW, I hate headaches, I just thought I'd let you know that. And for those who are interested, I have decided that scissors and me do not mix. Several years ago I nipped a chunk of skin out of my thumb making a 'bear' book--don't ask. So my left thumb print is forever changed. :) Now? Well, last night I decided my kids looked a bit grundgy so I sit 'em out on the porch to give them hair cuts. And since my brain was elsewhere, I decided I also needed to take a chunk out of my palm. Thankfully, I stopped before it cut completely through and left a gaping hole. Now I'll just have a pretty little inverted 'v' in my palm. Oh well, I always wanted to confuse a palm reader anyway.

Wrote a sucknopsis for my current WIP (Cold Range)--another contemporary suspense. Edited the paranormal and sent it to my editor and opened up several old documents to see what other short I might also want to try my hand at. Oh and brainstormed with my friend Erin.

That sums it up for me. I hope everyone is having a wonderful Monday and if not, tell the world about it. Really, it's Monday after all, we expect crap to happen. Or smile at everyone. I promise, it'll confuse them. :)

Until the next pointless ramble in this neurotic writer's world....



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