A place to visit an often bored mind.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005


...otherwise known as reinstalling the hard drive on your computer with the help of Tech Support. :) Yes, I had A BLAST. I think EVERYONE should do this. I realized I was in the wrong business and should have struggled through those college calculus classes and majored in computer programming. It would have been easier. There is more I could say, but it just wouldn't be nice and my grandmother always said if you can't say something nice, then hush up. So I guess I'll hush up on that topic. Or not.

Also getting tax stuff together. I think to round the week off I'll have a mammogram and a root canal. Yeah.

Best moment of the day: Watching my kids climb the tree outside the window and remembering simply joys of life. :)

Until next time..........

Thursday, January 13, 2005

I realized...

...I'm sadly out of shape. Today was my first 'workout'. Remember that New Year's Resolution? Well, I joined a local women's gym. Now, I thought I was in decent shape. Today that dillusion was shot to h*ll and back. My most favorite machine--the oblique twister. (Can you tell I really know the names?). Yeah, well, I still hate, and always have the 'kicking' machine. Then there was the hula-hoop of torture. Sadistically--or would that be masochistically?--enough, I enjoyed it. Nothing like self inflicted pain. The hoop weighed four pounds with these inner 'rubber nubs'. No problem I thought. OH MY GOD. It hurt like H*ll. And yet, I found myself going through the cycle waiting to get back to the rainbowed hoop of Hades. My stomach hurts. :)

Why do we do this to ourselves? To stay healthy. Well, I know my grandmother lived for 92 years and she never used a gym. So I wonder....what am I missing?

OH well, perhaps I'll finally have those pre-children abs back, or at the very least a closer image to it, the pre-children a$$? Well, as I said, there is hope. And it's a goal right?

Of course, as soon as the workout was over, I went and got a mango tea-zing. Hey, at least it was better than say--pouring sugar straight down my gullet. There was fruit--at least flavor--and caffiene. And I earned it. That hoop will give me nightmares.


Thursday, January 06, 2005

I'm a hamster.....

...and I've got a squeaky wheel.

Ever had one of those days where you do all this....stuff, yet you can't really pin point any one thing you DID. Or rather there is nothing 'showable' for what you've been so busy doing? No? Well, I knew I was weird anyway.

I think everyone will be happy to know that I have found the top of my desk! That's right and it's brown! I also found the poisonous seeds that Mr. Procrastination left in hopes to rue more woe. Alas I beat him this time, but he's like the 'one who must not be spoken'---he keeps returning. One day I will completely conquer Procrastination. Then I'll vanquish him to the deepest darkest pit on earth. Yeah, and the Rocky Mountains will move east.

Managed to get my newsletter out today. Next up: Updating a few things on my website, hopefully at some point today, check in with the boards and edit a few chapters in my historical.

We will see how productive this day has been later. Oh, and laundry...did manage to get laundry and dishes done. Now, don't you all feel so very informed? LOL. One has to just love these blogs.

Sweet moment of the day: My son informed me who he was going to marry. He's in preschool. :) I was devastated that I've been shoved aside for a beautiful classmate of his.

Until next time ~ Adios!

Monday, January 03, 2005


Why, may I ask, are Monday's cursed? I woke up in a good mood, for crying out loud and I'm so not a morning person.

Nothing too bad, nothing catastrophic or horrific, just those stupid Monday blunders where anyting that could go wrong, does.

Plus it's all dreary out, and I'm just glad to be back home with the boys playing with their trains and tracks in the living room.

I was constructive over the weekend. I got this wonderous little blog going and really think it's cool that I can write and post anything I want to--well, just about. I put away all the Christmas crap--er decorations and am glad I don't have to mess with it until next year. Laundry done, house was clean, but with kids, clean is a relative term. I'm learning there are many 'relatives' in life and not the ones that are siblings of family or extened family.

Now I'm cleaning my office. Okay, more like organizing, but really, I want it color coded before I begin my next work.

Hope you're all having a great day!


Saturday, January 01, 2005


Happy New Year one and all. Got to love New Year's.

Today, I find myself looking back over last year, one I suppose because we're 'supposed' to, and two I just returned from a funeral. Makes one look at life and question, rearrange, prioritize. Today is the day to make resolutions and the beginning of an entire year to see if we can meet them or if we're going to break them. Does it count as meeting if we meet them the first half of the year, then slack off the second half?

Well, for my resolutions, I have three. Basically.

1. Remember what's really important. Too often we get bogged down in jobs, deadlines, bills, schedules to remember that this is life and we should enjoy it!

2. Overcome procrastination. (Hey, I can be hopeful.) Be it organizing my office, writing the next book, or updating my website, putting off doesn't make things easier, usually harder. Deadlines loom, and the the procrastination monster, lurking in the corner, laughs because he knows blood pressure skyrockets as I scramble to find...write...or get something done I should have already accomplished.

3. Lose those extra 5 (okay, ten) pounds. Seems almost Cliché to mention it, but really, what kind of woman would I be if I didn't list this as one of my New Year's Resolutions? Plus I figure this also covers the 'health, get in shape, eat better' canopy.

I do believe that's it. I'll keep it simple. Now I wonder how long it will take me to remember to write '05 on my checks instead of '04. :)

Happy New Year one and all. May 2005 shower all with blessings!