A place to visit an often bored mind.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Friday's Thought

Another Friday, thank goodness. I really hate Mondays, but today I feel like I actually accomplished something. If you can count fixing this myspace account the way I think I want it as something. Then again, I'll probably change it next week. But for now, I feel like I've done something.

Writing is going well, I suppose. Deadlines are biting at my heels and I know next week they'll be biting me in the ass. Woowwhhhoooo. Yes, i love to be stressed out. You should see me. I don't need shoulder pads--I have knots the size of gooseggs in my shoulders. OH well, at least no ulcers,right?

This morning I was grabbing a coffee at my local haunt when I spied an acquaintence and her sister. We were talking about dieting, calories, all the sinful goodies in the coffeeshop and our nil-to-nothing will power against such goodies, no matter the calories. Well, one sister claimed she was doing good until the other sister decided on this decatant pecan glaze pastry and offered to share. Which brought up my philosophical thought for the day:

We're taught to share, to be kind, to give others food. However, we're also taught not to tempt. Soooo if your best friend or sister is dieting and you, out of the goodness of your heart share the delicious death by chocolate cake, or the Italian lemon cheese cake, or the pecan glazed pastry with them, is it bad? I mean you tempted them from their path, didn't you? Silently relishing in the fact that they too are swallowing those sinful calories. So is it a good thing to share in such cases? Or not?

Personally, if I have a box of Godiva chocolates, my sister, best friend, or any other friend, better just think again. Cause, dieting or not, those babies are MINE!

And I hope you all have a WONDERFUL weekend!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Another day

Another day, another dollar, isn't that the saying? Yes, well, I've been busy writing, cleaning, writing, cooking, writing, cleaning, writing...you get the idea.

Plotting, plotting and more plotting. What can I say, I haven't been this swamped with ideas in a long, long time. YES, the VOICES are back . come Voices, come to me, let me hear you! *I just had a flash of the 'servant' on Dracula.*

Anywho, so the muse, Nyx, the ole wench is back with a vengence. So i've got one to finish this weekend. Another short to get done, another proposal to get in and then edits for The Dream! Hopefully, I'll have a release date on that book shortly.

What else? Anything? Oh, yeah, got a stellar rejection from Simon and Schuster. ;) I think Warner's is my favorite--I'm too dark. And Mira--too dark again. I LOVE being too dark. I'm so weird I know.

I'm also thinking of going red. Red highlights in my hair? what? Who the hell am I kidding? I don't have time to fix my hair half the damn time, who has time for highlights. I have stories to write, victims to stalk, villains to hunt and finally bring down. Guess I should let the heroes get a kiss or two.

Have a great one!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

The Burn Bitch Strikes Again

I swear! I think she sneaks in and just does it for laughs.

No, I set nothing afire . Really, I didn't. No smoking microwaves (the new one works very well, thank you). No candles to get rid of the reek of something smoldering.

So I decide to grill burgers. Now, in my defense, this is a relatively new grill and my first attempt to cook on it, AND it's dark. So I stick those patties on there and listen to them sizzle. yes, I am good. Got supper cooking. Run inside and do some laundry, check boys, load the dishwasher. Check burgers yet again, still not done, so I sighed and thought, dang, how long does this take?

Slap them back down and go back in the house. I swear it was only a few mintues. So yeah, they were a wee bit done. OK, really done. One side is kinda ...well...charred. The top fine. So I covered the charred with cheese thinking...maybe it won't taste so bad. *snort*

Again the seven year old looks at them, then at me and just shook his head. "Momma, next time let me do it." So we're eating, mostly chips and salad. The five year old takes a bite and then says: "Mom, I think it's pink. I see pink" (Now, I don't mind medium rare meats. They taste better. but I have issues with feeding half cooked meat to my kids, especially beef--but that's another neurosis). I explained it was the just the tomato. He argued.

Seven Y.O. shakes his head and says, "HOW can you see pink? There's no pink. How can there be pink? They're burned. Crispy."

So there's my grilling foray. I've decided cereal is very healthy. So are sandwiches and grilled cheeses. I really can't screw those up.

I wonder if the pagans believed in little kitchen spirits that burned food? Must find the answer to that one. I'll just blame it on them/it from now on.

Jaycee *yes, for any wondering, I have a fire extinguisher in the kitchen. )

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Divine Intervention to Dieting

Fire hazard in the kitchen...that'd be me.

So i wanted a snack. What? Popcorn? No. Cereal? No. *bing* cookies! That's right. Chocolate cookies. Special cookies, homemade and sent as a gift. chocolate dough covering mint Hershy kisses. The best way to eat these babies is by nuking them for about twenty seconds so that the inner kiss is melted. :) Great! One? No, let's be really bad and go for two. So I grab a napkin (hey, I'd just finished washing dishes). Placed two of the little chocolate orbs onto the napkin, set the napkin with cookies inside the microwave. Since there's two, we'll go thirty seconds.

ALAS, at 10 seconds to go I smelled burnt chocolate. I quickly opened the door to be engulfed in smoke and to see sparks from where the edges of the cookies melded together and then charred the napkin. OUT the door onto the deck, the stinking mess went.

I'm standing there agast. Twenty seconds and two burnt chocolate cookies later, the kitchen reeking of smoke I'm thinking, huh, maybe I should lay off the cookies?

*enter seven year old* "Moooom. What did you burn now?" (Do you see a pattern here?) He looks out onto the deck, then back to me. "Cookies?" Then to the microwave. "In the MICROWAVE?" Total awe in three small words. He just shook his head. While I'm climbing ontop of hte cabinets to open windows, he's cataloguing all my past burning accomplishments. Yes, I've burnt teflon off the pan, boiled water down to nothing, burnt boiled eggs (I mentioned the water down to nothing, right?) My children still won't eat toast out of the oven due to memories of flames.

I am still rather shocked. I tried a grape experiement that my aunt passed on once she learned of my burned cookies. Sparks did not fly, flames arose.

So a new microwave later, the airfreshened kitchen, I am happy to report that I have been cookie free for three days! I figured it was divine intervention to diet. I'd rather have had "Lay off the cookies" written on the ceiling, but sparks, charred paper and smoke in all of twenty seconds works too!

Happy cooking all! And remember--Keep those fire extinguishers close! I think I'll stick to writing.