A place to visit an often bored mind.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

I Don't Have Time for My Muse...

To clean or not to clean...
That is the question. I need to. I spent all last week doing last minute edits. OKay, with me, I tweak, and tweak and then think... OH, I could fix this. I'm NEVER done. BUT, BURIED SINS is now winging its way to my agent. I hope she likes this version. Guess we'll see.

I spent the weekend at Amarillo--WONDERFUL writer's conference. If any of you ever have a chance to participate in the Panhandle Professional Writer's Conference, I'd strongly urge you to do so. They are just FABULOUS! You can find them at www.panhandleprowriter.org Great group of people. So much so, I joined the group and plan to attend every year.

So now I'm scrambling to catch up. DEADLY TIES and the GHOST CATS Anthology was released in PRINT while I was up in the panhandle. Thanks to Mandy Roth I found out and she's such a sweetheart, she announced it for me. I just today got it put up on my site. Hey, better late than never. I hope to get bookmarks with all the deadly covers ordered sometime this week.

I MUST thank several people here: Gail, Syd, Jackie, Cindy, Amelia and Dobby! If not for these fine ladies, I would not have questioned what I did on the last book and fixed it--or hopefully fixed it. They're cruel vicious women who bar no punches and let me know what I did wrong or what was needed. Thanks ladies.

What else? hmmm.. aren't you glad you decided to stop in and read a bunch of nothings? I'm currently trying to decide what the climax will be for REVENGE II that will be out in October. I have the characters, but I'm stuck on the peak.

I'm so happy to be done with one round of edits, but I need to clean up DEADLY GAMES for print either today or tomorrow. So, hey, if you noticed anything, feel free to let me know in the next couple of days since that's what I will be working on. I'd rather be writing somethign NEW but alas, doesn't always happen. And it's so THERE! Yep.

Today my muse taunts with ideas and snippets,
Alas I can't listen, I have to do edits,
There's laundry and dishes awaiting me too
Perhaps I'll get lucky, but tomorrow she'll snooze.

Y'all have a GREAT day and if I think of something else to tell you, I'll hop over and let you know.


Sunday, June 05, 2005

I should check my blog more often...

I was tagged!

Breezy tagged me weeks ago and if I updated my blog more often, I might KNOW this. J I should really be writing, but hey, everyone needs a break.

Total number of books I own: Oh Good Lord! I don’t have a clue. There are my personal reads, my TBR pile, the books on my PC, all my reference books, literature books, poetry, all the kids books. LOL. I have way too many books to ever sit down and count them. The kids have three book shelves, I have four, and then there are the piles of books under the bed. Too many? Not enough? I admit it, I’m a bibliophile.

Last book I bought: Corduroy for my son and his friend for gifts. The Black Rose by Nora Roberts (it’s off limits until I get done with rewrites. J ) And a mystery trio from the UBS.

Last book(s) I read: Bait by Karen Robards. I read it in the car on the way to New Mexico. Other than that, it’s my reference books on Crime, Forensic Crime, and a couple of Fantasy, Celtic Legend Reference books. :)

Five books that mean a lot to me: Five? Only Five? Jeesh. Do they have to be MY books?

Well, off the top of my head, I’d have to say my grandmother’s family Bible. It’s old and full of family facts and history, but it’s not mine, so I guess it doesn’t count.

But if the five have to be on my bookshelf, I’d have to say:

Carolina Moon by Nora Roberts because it was the first Contemporary Romantic Suspense I’d read and turned me onto the entire genre.

My Evonovich books because rarely do I read comedy or even laugh in books, but her Stephanie Plum Books always leave me with a smile. J

Oh the Places You’ll Go by Dr. Seuss. It says a lot about life and sometimes I think we could reread it and learn how not to whine or to get our butts in gear and make something happen instead of waiting for something to happen to us.

The Life of Frederick Douglas. What can I say? It was haunting and stuck with me. Sort of like Achebe’s: Things Fall Apart.

And though I don’t have a copy, The Poisonwood Bible. I loved the theme of how perception changes absolutely everything in the exact same situation.

I know that’s more than five, but really, only FIVE?

Tag 5 people to do this:I'll tag

Gail D.