A place to visit an often bored mind.

Friday, December 09, 2005

I'm Such a Girl, and a Blonde One at That

What exactly does a rotar do anyway? In terms of wheels/brakes/driving? I haven't a clue. But apprently I've royally f*ed mine up. I kept telling hubby the expidition was making a funny noise, no warning lights came on and no one said anything about brake pads when I did the service thing a few weeks ago. I'm "into the metal" as one man told my husband who showed up when I called and did the... "Yeah, something about replacing rotars or something." He freaked.

Now I think "into the metal" sounds cool. But this is apperantly not a good thing. No, I'm really not blonde, okay, so I'm kinda blonde. But this is cars, not a crime scene or a fictional crime scene or on a more every day around my house--child scene. Let's face it, I'm just not a mechanically inclined person. Mechanics are like... geometry. I could do matrixes in algebra and loved them, not sure why everyone else got confused. But give me an algorith or Pathagorim's theory (at least I think maybe that was his name--sorry Mr. Gary), and I can't think my way out of a damn box. So geometry and mechanics just sort of go together in the 'things I just don't get' category.

Sadly, I'm thinking I should maybe do a book where the heroine works in a garage? I might learn something more useful than different ways to kill a person. Oh wait, this is me, I'd devise new plot scenarios with villains due to my surroundings. BUT I might also learn more about my cars and lingo that sounds cool. Yeah, so anyway, hubby is none to pleased with me. The wonderful guys at Larry's Lube got a kick out of me and my mother's upset because I can't drive her to my brother's tonight for a thing tomorrow. *sigh* Oh well, at least the bills are paid and it's getting warmer.

Have a good one
Jaycee *who'd have to get a manual out to change a tire*

Sunday, December 04, 2005


So I'm in a pisser of one. What else is new. I'm feeling stressed. For some reason this is how holidays always leave me. Not grinchy, but this mixture of ellation and anxiety. Why one might ask--who the hell knows. I think it's from my childhood. Too many rushed Christmases? The fact Santa got stuck in the chimney?

Or maybe it's a modern infestation of the holiday rat race. WHAT is Christmas about any more? The newest toy/gadget/thingy ma mob.....

OK, OK, I won't even go down that lane. Seriously, it's a slight pet peeve of mine.

On a happy note. I found all my ancient Christmas tunes. NO, not from high school, but in terms of the music composition themselves. I have several Celtic and one titled A Winter's Night--Christmas in the Great Hall by Ensemble Galilei. Drives everyone else bonkers with the pipes, dulicimers and harps. BUT they all leave me in peace. :)

So the tree is up, hanging with ornaments. I'm not a stickler on the strategic hanging of ornaments. I let the kiddos do it all except for the really old ornaments my mom gave us and very fragile (read breakable) ones. Other than that, it's up to them. My mother on the other hand is a strategist when decorating a tree. Since her health isn't what it used to be, my sister and I decorated the tree for her. No big deal--hahahahaha. If thou only knew. My parents have a seriously vaulted ceiling and the tree is a ten footer. We're talking LADDERS, here people. With Mom below letting us know where to hang each little thing. Needless to say, my sister and I found the absurdity to it all and just stuck them where we could. Mom is a---decorator. She really gets into decorating...and early. Very, very early in the year. Of course this is in juncture to the fact that at Thanksgiving her side of the family descends complete with family fueds (at least this year) to have their Christmas. We used to do this every year on Christmas eve until my grandparents passed on. Anywho, needless to say she has conquerored the art of mixing the fall festival theme with winter wonderland of Christmas. Either that or we've all just gotten used to it.

AT our house, though, we go for simplicity. I do the tree, hubby does the lights outside. We used to have inflatable yard art (dont' get me started on those either) but the dogs thought they were fun so Santa & Frosty don't blow no more! I know, that's horrible of me.

What else? Oh, my son, the five year old, wrote a book for his grandpa for Christmas. Going to Grandpa's House. There are a couple of death scenes--of hunters and animals. I think we've watched the Fox and The Hound too many times. Either that or he's starting to wonder why Dad isn't into the hunting craze like all the other uncles and cousins around here. They shoot the deer. We merely put out corn and sit and watch the twelve point buck prance across the yard. But I digress. My husband read the book, found the double homicides of an armadillo and a deer and said, "You're like your mother. Something must die." :) Progeny is wonderful.

This is such a pointless ramble isn't it? Well, then I'll give you some NEWS~ I finally got my Cerridwen Cover. You can check out the fabulous cover to my regency suspense on my homepage at www.jayceeclark.com. The Dream doesn't have a release date yet, but hopefully soon. I also have my cover art for Angel Eyes ~ a contemporary suspense coming soon from Samhain publishing. That can be found on my Upcoming release page. And before I'm deluged with more emails--YES Quinlan has a story. Deadly Deceptions is in the works. As is Cold Range and Buried Lies.:)

I hope you all are enjoying the festive time of year. Season's Greetings and Blessings. Until next time ~ Jaycee.