A place to visit an often bored mind.

Monday, April 24, 2006


I suck at blogging. I do, I readily admit it. I go through spells when I seem to have lots to say, or lots to jaw about as my grandmother would have said. Then I go through spells where I don’t seem to have a thing to say or I’m so busy I just can’t get the time to talk about it.

Well, I’m excited as tomorrow I have a release of Angel Eyes. My first in a while. I’m nervous, not sure how people might take it, or like it, or whatever.
Guess we’ll see.

I did get another round of edits finished on The Dream, it’s now with FLE’s. J So maybe there will be a release date on that soon.

What have I learned lately.

That my grandmother knew ALL. That’s right. When all else fails in life, just think of what my grandmother would do. She’d be right, I’d bet you.

I’ve also learned that turtles are a heck of a lot faster than one might give them credit for, I won’t go into how I know this.

Six little boy cousins between the ages of two and seven can get soaked faster than you can blink when roasting hot dogs down at grandpa’s creek. But oh the fun. Frogs and rocks were big hits. And it doesn’t matter that their lips are blue, or that their teeth are chattering, of course they’re not cold—why the very idea!

Men who have sported guns most of their lives during whatever hunting season happens to be open, find women holding a gun, even an air pellet gun, sexy for some reason. Men.

Family is wonderfully dysfunctionally functional. We all have aunt know-it-alls and uncle I-can-do-it-betters and cousin I’m-better-than-yous, with the eccentrics thrown in for good measure. Am I the only one that sits back and thinks, one day I’m going to write a book and probably piss one of them off. Of course with a family as large as mine on whichever side you count, I’m bound to model someone after at least one of them.

Yard work with sunscreen is WISE. I am not wise. I am a lobster. You’d have thought I’d’ve learned after the beach blistering I got in March. No one ever said I was wise.

And to any wondering I’ve managed to cook several meals, even bake cakes, pies and cookies in the oven (not the microwave)without burning a thing. Yes, it’s nice when the kids yell, “Yay! Mom didn’t burn it!”

Small amusement parks that follow county fairs around, only use water to rid the rides of vomit! Think of that the next time you climb into the ‘rocket’, or the hammer with your true love. J
Have a lovely day!
